Friday, October 23, 2009


just thinking... kind of 4-6am thoughts...

a little lost in time and space...

semi-comfortably numb...

appreciating a quiet night...

thoughts and exercise and space...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

mid Oct ings

pretty wild fall...

morphing, moming, winterizing, wedding, traveling, liling...

makes me thankful... appreciating an existential life...

very thankful...

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Seems like a lot of Obituaries to read...

Didn't know that FDR III was the ECON dept at Sarah Lawrence...

read a couple good books:

ONE: life is a process not a product... happiness and meaning and wisdom are feelings that parallel life... life is kind of a flow quantity and happiness/meaning/wisdom are sort of a parallel qualities that we add... kind of an accompanying attitude about life...

TWO: modern man grumbles in five "new" ways... (from Gregg Esaterbrook)
1. Choice Anxiety - we "suffer" from so many wonderful options...
2. Abundance Denial - we complain when we really have "so much"...
3. Loss Anxiety - we worry about losing all the "so much" we have
4. Abundance Satiation - we are uneasy and burdened by having "so much"
5. Meaning Anxiety - we have so much we can't find "meaning" in it all...


Wow a month MORPHED by...

great USOPEN... Melanie did so well... and Delpo...
