Sunday, June 14, 2009

People, Places, Things

Wow, Roger won the French...

thinking about places to live... people friendly places... GREEN places... NEW URBANISM... to peddle, walk, jog etc... we are so automobile oriented... STRANGE...

you can tell a place by the bicycle lanes or lack thereof...


was thinking about three types or levels of relationships:
1. Sexual... (lovers)
2. Companionship... (close friends)
3. Just Something to Do... (casual friends)

being around the kids made me think about the meaning of life... what we do with our years... made me think about expressing our life and goals and ambitions by writing our obituaries in our teens and then revising in our twenties...

of course, an obituary is meaningless... what matters is how we feel and how we affect others...

worth repeating: the big thought/thing of the last month is FITNESS... and maybe the second thought is BIKE LANES...

Time Flies

haven't had overnight access to write...

eating less, exercising more... feels much better to just lose a few pounds... a seven pound weight loss makes a big difference... from about 172 to 165...

Sarah moved... Lucy's taking chemistry... Woody played a great tennis tourney...