Thursday, April 30, 2009


wow, the month flew by... enjoyed a litte exercise and a short jog today...

Three "E"s


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ten Decades

just some nominees...

Autos... WWI
TV, rock n roll, burbs, shoe pounding, sputnik...
Kennedy, Beatles, Vietnam, Woodstock...
Nixon, OPEC, SNL...
Microsoft, AIDS...
Internet, Windows, Eastern Europe,
Terrorism, Bush Bust...

the Holy Trinity

Science (...)
Economics ( efficency... low overhead...)
Religion ( the gym replaces the church...)


about 1,100 miles from 34293 to 44622...

you can kind of tell about states and cities by radio stations and vehicles and driver habits...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ford Stallion cycle/trike

saw one of these at a car show today... CUTE !!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Part of it is just age... a different perspective... different energy level... different thinking... a mixed blessing...

but not just age... maybe I have written it before... also has to do with stress and occupation and scheduling...

less is more...

but for some reason, it makes me think things are so existential...

Monte Carlo

What a great clay court tourney... super coverage on the Tennis Channel... quarters, semis and final were all great... some good earlier rounds too... don't know what other clay court coverages there are leading up to the French... but the French Open and Wimbledon will be interesting... surely Nadal will win the French... especially since it is best of five sets... can't imagine anyone getting lucky enough to win three sets from him... we shall see..


After a certain age, we just don't get younger and healthier... harder to do things... and that is the up side...



Thinking about aging, existentialism and watching tennis on TV... what a trio...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Woody's music

listened to



Dragon Force FIRE AND FLAMES...

made me play Led Zepplin...


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Chorus for Lucy and Sarah

Gliddy glub gloopy; Nibby nabby noopy
La la la lo lo...
Sabba sibby sabba; Nooby abba nabba
Le le lo lo...
Tooby ooby walla; Nooby abba nabba
Early morning singin' song.

Monday, April 13, 2009

"G" Meaning

just thinking maybe I should explain more... not selling anything but info... the idea is that we create our own meaning and values... as the existentialists would say, we are condemned to be free...

free to get our meaning thru GREED or GIVING...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Schaeffer, Lewis and Florida demographics & radio

just hearing so many baby boomer songs on the radio... small repetitious play list in a sense...

hearing FLASHDANCE again and "I can have it all" made me think of Frances Schaeffer and his book HOW SHOULD WE THEN LIVE... with them emphasis on its subtitle:

The Decline of Western Thought and Culture...


which also makes me think of CS Lewis...

I'll insert and interesting aside:

Lewis was initially schooled by private tutors before being sent to the Wynyard School in Watford, Hertfordshire, in 1908, just after his mother's death from cancer. Lewis's brother had already enrolled there three years previously. The school was closed not long afterwards due to a lack of pupils — the headmaster Robert "Oldie" Capron was soon after committed to an insane asylum. Tellingly, in Surprised By Joy, Lewis would later nickname the school "Belsen". There is some speculation by biographer Alan Jacobs that the atmosphere at Wynyard greatly traumatized Lewis and was responsible for the development of "mildly sadomasochistic fantasies".

In September 1913, Lewis enrolled at Malvern College, where he would remain until the following June. It was during this time that 15-year-old Lewis abandoned his childhood Christian faith and became an atheist, becoming interested in mythology and the occult. (Interestingly enough, none other than the famed British "diabolist" Aleister Crowley ["the Great Beast 666"] had attended—and despised—the same institution some 22 years earlier.) Later he would describe "Wyvern" (as he styled the school in his autobiography) as so singularly focused on increasing one's social status that he came to see the homosexual relationships between older and younger pupils as "the one oasis (though green only with weeds and moist only with fetid water) in the burning desert of competitive ambition. […] A perversion was the only thing left through which something spontaneous and uncalculated could creep."


My point is how man tries to express a Utopian vision... and I think both Schaeffer and Lewis don't know how to deal the fact concerning GOD, namely, "He is not there, and He is silent".

They can't seem to come to Utopian grips that both the universe and values are the result of ORDER OUT OF CHAOS...

Makes me think the most basic and unknown principle of the universe, life and thought is the ENTROPY LAW...

Not understanding what the creation of order entails, it is much simpler to postulate a DEVIL and concepts of EVIL and SIN...


Religion isn't just simpler, it is a human need. Life requires three things: something to do, something(one) to love and something to hope for.

Religion and religious ideas of utopia are a result of the human need for hope.
Schaeffer and Lewis hope for perfection outside rather than inside man. Kind of pessimistic on mankind in a way.

Guess they are also pessimistic on progress and evolution. Altho wouldn't you rather be living today. Isn't the "Golden Age" another myth?

more Schaeffer

In Crazy for God Schaeffer's son Frank presents a portrait of his father that is far more nuanced and multi-dimensional than was suggested by his public persona. He states, for example, that Schaffer's primary passions in life were not the Bible and theology but rather art and culture. "And what moved him was not theology but beauty"(p.140). Schaeffer's son claims he had frequent bouts with depression and a verbally and physically abusive relationship with his wife, Edith. Those in the inner circle at L'Abri challenge Frank's account. Os Guinness, who lived with the Schaeffers and was a close friend of both the younger and elder Schaeffer, described Crazy for God as a "scurrilous caricature" and said, "[N]o one should take Frank's allegations at face value."

At home, Schaeffer was quite open about his temper problem -- noting a family joke about a certain plant that grew so well because it had been so often re-potted.

Today, roughly twenty-five years after his death, his teachings continue in the same informal setting at The Francis A. Schaeffer Foundation in Gryon, Switzerland. It is led by one of his daughters and sons-in-law as a small-scale alternative to the original L'Abri Fellowship International which is still operating in nearby Huemoz-sur-Ollon and other places in the world. On the other hand, Schaeffer's son Frank Schaeffer initially supported his father's ideas and political program, but has since distanced himself from many of those views and has converted to the Greek Orthodox Church.

Frances Schaeffer says "Have it all..."

What a feeling.
Bein's believin'.
I can have it all, now I'm dancing for my life.
Take your passion
And make it happen.
Pictures come alive, you can dance right through your life.

Now I hear the music,
Close my eyes, I am rhythm.
In a flash it takes hold
Of my heart.

What a feeling.
Bein's believin'.
I can have it all, now I'm dancing for my life.
Take your passion
And make it happen.
Pictures come alive, now I'm dancing through my life.
What a feeling.

What a feeling. (I am music now)
Bein's believin' (I am rhythm now)
Pictures come alive, you can dance right through your life.
What a feeling. (You can really have it all)
What a feeling. (Pictures come alive when I can)
I can have it all. (I can really have it all)
Have it all (Pictures come alive when I call)
(Call, call, call, call -- what a feeling)
I can have it all. (Bein's believin')
Bein's believin'. (Take your passion)
(Make it happen)
Make it happen. (What a feeling)
What a feeling. (Bein's believin')

.... FADE

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Obama's Passover Seder Meal at the White House

I thought it was kind of symbolic and appropriate for the first black president to have the first White House Seder.

The Seder is integral to Jewish faith and identity. If not for the Exodus, as explained in the Haggadah, the Jewish people would still be slaves in Egypt.

Therefore, the Seder is an occasion for praise and thanksgiving and for re-dedication to the idea of liberation.

5,700,000 years

Did you notice the full moon?

The actual calculations for the date of Easter are somewhat complicated, but can be described briefly as follows:

Easter is determined on the basis of lunisolar cycles. The lunar year consists of 30-day and 29-day lunar months, generally alternating, with an embolismic month added periodically to bring the lunar cycle into line with the solar cycle. In each solar year (January 1 to December 31), the lunar month beginning with an ecclesiastical new moon falling in the 29-day period from March 8 to April 5 inclusive is designated as the Paschal lunar month for that year. Easter is the 3rd Sunday in the Paschal lunar month, or, in other words, the Sunday after the Paschal lunar month's 14th day. The 14th of the Paschal lunar month is designated by convention as the Paschal full moon, although the 14th of the lunar month may differ from the date of the astronomical full moon by up to two days. Since the ecclesiastical new moon falls on a date from March 8 to April 5 inclusive, the Paschal full moon (the 14th of that lunar month) must fall on a date from March 21 to April 18 inclusive.

Accordingly, Gregorian Easter can fall on 35 possible dates - between March 22 and April 25 inclusive. It last fell on March 22 in 1818, and will not do so again until 2285. It fell on March 23 in 2008, but will not do so again until 2160. Easter last fell on the latest possible date, April 25, in 1943 and will next fall on that date in 2038. However, it will fall on April 24, just one day before this latest possible date, in 2011. The cycle of Easter dates repeats after exactly 5,700,000 years, with April 19 being the most common date, happening 220,400 times or 3.9%, compared to the median for all dates of 189,525 times or 3.3%.

Giorgio Moroder

I didn't remember that FLASHDANCE'S song WHAT A FEELING, won the Academy Award for best original song in 1983. Wow, that is over 25 years ago.

Was listening to it thinking what a basic beat. When I looked it up I didn't know the name Giorgio Moroder. He also worked on the BERLIN hit, TAKE MY BREATHE AWAY, among many other movie themes and a veritable Whose Who who list of musical and album collaborations.

Giorgio Moroder (born on April 26, 1940 in Ortisei, Italy) is an Italian record producer, songwriter and performer, whose groundbreaking work with synthesizers during the 1970s and 1980s was a significant influence on new wave, house, techno and electronic music in general.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Phoebe Ann Mosey

Phoebe Ann Mosey(Annie Oakley) began hunting at age nine to support her siblings and her widowed mother. She sold the hunting game for money to locals in Greenville, as well as restaurants and hotels in southern Ohio. Her skill eventually paid off the mortgage on her mother's farm when she was 15.

During the spring of 1881, the Baughman and Butler shooting act was being performed in Cincinnati. Traveling show marksman and former dog trainer Francis E. Butler (1850–1926), an Irish immigrant , placed a $100 bet per side (roughly equivalent to modern US$2,000) with Cincinnati hotel owner Jack Frost, that Butler, age 31, could beat any local fancy shooter. The hotelier arranged a shooting match with Oakley, age 21, to be held in ten days in a small town near Greenville, Ohio. After missing his 25th shot, Butler lost the match and the bet — a serendipitous irony that led him to become a well-known winner in backstage life. Butler began courting Oakley, and they married on June 20, 1882.

Oakley and Butler lived in Cincinnati, Ohio, for a time, and she is believed to have taken her stage name from the city's neighborhood of Oakley, where they resided. At first, Oakley was Butler's assistant in his travelling show. Later, Butler realized that Oakley was more talented and unusual, so he became her assistant and business manager. Their personal and business success in handling celebrity is considered a model show business relationship even after more than a century.

Her health declined in 1925 and she died of pernicious anemia in Greenville, Ohio at the age of sixty-six in 1926. She was buried in Brock Cemetery in Greenville, Ohio. Frank Butler was so crushed by her death that he stopped eating. He died just 18 days later.

After her death it was discovered that her entire fortune had been spent on her family and her charities.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

three R's

oh, it is about the three R's

reading, (W)riting, and (D)rinking...

or should I say,

Reading, wRiting, and dRinking...


Thoughts to Marilyn

so I put my kind of secret thoughts in an email to Marilyn... I knew she would understand... not a big deal... nothing secret... just the patterns I see in my life...

kind of interesting to see my repetitive habits is all that it is about...


I can be more specific... it is about 3 things... Diet, Exercise and Activities...

and I can be even more specific... it is interesting to think about where I drink the most beer and wine... where I read the most... where I jog or bicycle the most... and what people I am around...

I thought the most interesting part was about my reading and drinking habits... for some reason that makes me smile... life is about reading and drinking...


Eighteen Months

so interesting reading my diary and thinking about the last 18 months... seems to be a pattern... interesting to see the pattern...

my thoughts are my secret...


two R's

actually thinking about junk food...

but then for some reason I was thinking about thinking... and my thought this time was an understanding of religious attitudes...

then it struck me... the two R's... one comes from one of my professors at Vanderbilt... he always said, "Man sorts, Nature shuffles."

that leads me to the first R... man being a sorting animal is also a RANKER... man always ranks things...

and that made me think that ranking is behind the other R... RIGHTEOUSNESS

Righteousness (also called rectitude) is an important theological concept in Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. It is an attribute that implies that a person's actions are justified, and can have the connotation that the person has been "judged" or "reckoned" as leading a life that is pleasing to God.

it has been a long time since I thought that way, if I ever thought that way... I wonder what the statistics are on people really worrying about either pleasing GOD or going to HELL...

I mean I think everyone at different ages, follows different "gods".... teens may follow the god of "peer pressure"... adults may follow the god of "material success"...

but who really takes pleasing "GOD" or HEAVEN and HELL seriously...

so, my thought is that even those who claim to, don't... that it really is just another way to compete or rank oneself...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Myakka River State Park

below are two groups of photos... it is a big state park as far as the eye can see... teeming with wildlife...

more Out of Africa

Out of Africa

longer bedtime story

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Maria Contria. She had a younger sister named Barefoot.

short bedtime story

once upon a time... the end...

Saturday, April 4, 2009


was thinking about why people are the way they are...

I remember thinking about my three part scheme of the ID, the EGO and the SOCIAL... which to me represented the indivivual physically, mentally/emotionally, and then in accepting and relfecting upon and reacting to a group feedback context.

but tonight I woke up thinking slightly differently about the individual...

again, three parts...

1. the bio chemical physical genetic part...
2. the learned emotional part...
3. the partly genetic and partly learned processing part...

I was thinking of this in wondering about why people have different philosophical systems and in particular different belief systems...

and concluded that partly we are genetically bio-chemically wired... and partly we learn emotional patterns... but thirdly, and this is the crucial difference, we must learn to process thoughts a certain way AND I think that processing can be altered by education and training...

and so I was thinking about which of the three is in charge... and found it interesting to consider the example of a Christian versus a Mormon...

what I thought was most interesting was that a Christian using 3. above can see the flaw in Mormonism, but yet can't see the same flaw in their own Christian beliefs...

in this example it clearly shows that 3. gets overruled by 2. or 1.

just thought that was an interesting way of looking at things...

Friday, April 3, 2009


Peddled again at sunset... just a 35 min ride tho... still feel like I'm overeating and underexercising... and that it is so easy to do that...

great match with Nadal and Del Potro in Miami...

Thursday, April 2, 2009


well, longest bike ride in a while for me... can't remember last time I peddled further... went non stop for 52 minutes...

enjoyed the Federer/Roddick tennis match last night... more good matches today...

hard to believe it is April 2009...